Red dots on your skin: Causes and what they might represent

If you’re in the 45 – 65 age range and like me, you’re always on the lookout for any changes in your body. It’s important to stay vigilant and take action if anything seems out of the ordinary. So, imagine my surprise when I found a cluster of red dots on my shoulder one morning. Of course, like any responsible person, I turned to the internet for answers.

Red dots form on the skin for various reasons, and while some go away on their own, some require treatment.Some of the most common causes of red spots are allergic responses, acne residual scars, vascular birthmarks, skin spots caused by angiomas, protein overproduction, heat rash, insect bites, leaking capillaries, and autoimmune diseases

1. Petechiae & PurpuraThese are little red dots on the skin caused by damaged blood vessels or capillaries. They may be caused by stress, coughing, or certain drugs. Although they are mostly harmless, they can occasionally suggest underlying platelet abnormalities.

2. Cherry Angiomas – An expansion of blood vessels causes these little, elevated, bright red lumps which are normally harmless. They typically arise in old age.

3. Heat Rash Heat rash develops when sweat becomes caught in sweat ducts, resulting in itchy, red spots on the skin.

4. Allergic Reactions Redness can also result from an allergic reaction to foods, chemicals, drugs, or insect stings or bites

5. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles caused by bacterial or fungal infections that leave red, pus-filled spots on the skin that can be painful.

6. Cellulitis is a bacterial skin illness that causes redness and swelling on the skin. In most cases, medical attention and antibiotic therapy are required.

7. Vasculitis is an autoimmune or infection-related illness characterized by blood vessel inflammation.