People Who Found Out Hidden Secrets About Their Partners

There are just some things that people feel like they have to take to their grave and NEVER tell their significant other, partner, or spouse. I guess, to each its own here! Thanks to this Reddit thread I recently came across, here are some secrets people will forever keep to themselves:

1. “I scratched my wife’s car on a low wall and didn’t say a word, but she noticed it in a supermarket car park, and she went nuts, claiming the car next to her had scraped it and driven off. Being the gentleman, I offered to pay to repair it.”

2. “I told my boyfriend I was going home to my family for Christmas. I told my family I was visiting my boyfriend’s family for Christmas. I stayed home and did nothing all day.”

3. “I’ve slept with her new stepmother in the past. Some things we just gotta take to the grave. It was 12 years ago, almost a decade before I met my partner. It’s just a small ass town. I love her dad to death, and since I found out who he was marrying… the time spent around her father and new stepmom has been minimal, and hell, no, I have not talked to her new stepmother about it either. We just both know better than to keep our mouths shut, stay formal, and keep conversations to a minimum.”

4. “Before she went home for a month, she planted tomatoes and planted seeds. She wanted me to take care of them. Try as I might, they didn’t grow. I went to Home Depot and bought some plants, planted them, and made it seem like they grew.”

5. “I take a secret day of PTO once every few months where I get dressed and leave the house as I would normally for work, but instead, I treat myself to breakfast and a book at a cafe, get a pedicure, go for a walk in the park, or otherwise just enjoy some alone, quiet, time to myself. My boyfriend doesn’t work, so if I stayed home, I wouldn’t get any alone time, and my boyfriend has a habit of unintentionally turning my PTO days and holidays into ‘let’s both get stuff done around the house’ days. I can let him know I just want a lazy day, and he’ll try to respect that, but it’s not the same as time entirely by myself.”

6. “Anytime we eat, especially a nice place, I lie and say I am full so he can have the last, best bite. He eats way more than I do, but seeing him giddy about the bite makes me so happy.”

7. “That the first time we met wasn’t the first time we met. We met years before because I was having sex with her mother.”

8. “I truly appreciate she made my lunches for work. One day, she made me chicken breast and zucchini. I hate zucchini. She grew them fresh in our garden, and I know she was happy to grow them, so she wanted me to enjoy them. I was at work when a co-worker said, ‘Hey, do you wanna go to lunch? We are going to Freebirds.’ I tossed the lunch she made and went for the burrito. When I got home, she asked if I had enjoyed the lunch she had made. I replied, ‘I can’t even begin to tell you how good it was.’ I didn’t lie, but I wasn’t truthful. I didn’t want her to be sad, and I didn’t enjoy the lunch she packed for me. I know it’s shitty, and I still feel bad about it.”

9. “I once accidentally broke something they loved and blamed it on the cat.”

10. “One time, I was driving my husband’s car. While I was turning, I was trying to read a small sign pointing in the direction of a park. I ran into a guard rail because my eyes were looking at the sign and not the road. I was going very slow, but as soon as I got to the park, I hopped out of the car to assess the damage. To my surprise, there was none! I later learned that I was just dumb and didn’t look far enough at the front of the car to see the huge dent. I only learned this a couple weeks after the fact. My husband took his car to visit his family, and a family member pointed out the dent to him. He told me this story, and I thought nothing of it until he returned and showed me the damage.”

“He said he thought another car must have run into his while it was parked. I believed all this until I saw the car and noticed that this was likely the result of me running into the guard rail. Since it happened weeks earlier, and I hadn’t mentioned it to him because I didn’t notice the damage, I couldn’t bring myself to tell him. It’s been three years now, and I still haven’t mentioned it. It’s a pretty big dent, too — like a foot wide. I am constantly reminded of it every time I see his car.”

11. “Her sister got way too drunk a few years ago and made a pass at me. Sis never brought it up again, so either she forgot, or she’s dying inside. To be fair to the girl, it was incredibly out of character for her. I was initially keeping it a secret to stop the sisters fighting, but it’s been so long now. If I bring it up, I’m pretty sure it will sound super sus. Probably not that scandalous, but I don’t do the freaky shit when I’ve agreed to be monogamous.”

12. “My ex was a momma’s boy. My ex-mother-in-law insisted he was allergic to scented laundry soap when we used it for years. To this day, I don’t know why she kept bringing it up. No outbreaks, symptoms, etc. We were broke then, and the hypoallergenic stuff he wanted to buy was much more expensive than the old stuff. (And ironically, it had a similar scent.) I would take the bottle out of the trash when it was used and refill it with the stuff we’ve always been using without saying a word. He never caught on. He even started saying his mother was right, and he felt better. I never told him the truth. Not even after the divorce. I still chuckle about it.”

13. “I was supposed to take the initial test to apply for the FBI. I told my wife I had to go to Muncie, Indiana, to take this test, which was true because that’s where it was scheduled. Instead, I ditched the test and saw Deadpool and Wolverine on a Monday morning.”

14. “My ex would sometimes make some really bad wardrobe choices. Occasionally, when I was doing the laundry, those clothes would end up in the trash. She never seemed to notice they were missing, and I’d give her money to get new clothes.”

15. “Me (F) and my boyfriend have been together five years. We have sex regularly — I have NEVER came, not once, not ever. I have been faking it for five years and many more to come. That is a secret that I will die with.”

Do you have a secret that you’ll never ever tell your partner? If you want to share it here, let me know what it is below!