Ear Infected With Flesh-Eating Maggots That Were Feasting on Eardrum

Ear was found to be infested with maggots after she went to a hospital complaining of pain, itching and bleeding.

Maggots in the ear, known as aural myiasis, occur when fly larvae infest the ear canal. This condition is rare but can happen, especially in tropical or subtropical areas, or in individuals with poor hygiene or untreated wounds.

Myiasis is a common infestation among mammals. In humans, it is seen more in rural areas where people are in more direct contact with animals. The disease occurs when the female fly lays eggs, which shortly will cause clinical manifestations that are related to the body site involved.

In the field of otolaryngology, it may affect the ears, nose and paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, oral cavity, and skin of the head and neck region. Risk factors for myiasis in humans are chronic suppurative otitis media, low socioeconomic status, swimming in stagnant water, and diabetes mellitus. Other possible predisposing factors include neglected children, old age, mental retardation, and poor personal hygiene.

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