
Woman celebrates 100th birthday with sisters who are 102 and 104

When we grow older, we often lose touch with many who meant a lot to us at some point in our lives. A few lucky ones get to spend their entire lives with their loved ones and in that respect, Frances Kompus is exceptionally fortunate. Frances Kompus was lucky enough to celebrate her milestone birthday back on November 11, 2021 with her sisters, Julia Kopriva and Lucy Pochop. According to KSNW, the oldest of the three sisters is 104-year-old Kopriva who was born on November 5, 1917. Pochop, 102, is next in line as she was born on June 11,...

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Respect Your Parents In Their Old Age, A Really Heart Touching Story

An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45 years old highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window. The Father asked his Son, “What is this?” The Son replied “It is a crow”. After a few minutes, the Father asked his Son the 2nd time, “What is this?” The Son said “Father, I have just now told you “It’s a crow”. After a little while, the old Father again asked his Son the 3rd time, What is this?” At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the...

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Johnny Goes To Department Store Looking For a Job

Little Johnny goes to a big “everything under one roof” department store looking for a job. The Manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?” The kid says “Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in Newfoundland.”Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he’d give him a shot, so he gave him the job. “You start tomorrow. I’ll come down after we close and see how you did.His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it.After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor. “How many...

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Cops show up to give daughter of late officer a sweet send-off to prom

Ashley was getting ready to leave for the senior prom when a group of kindhearted officers arrived in her dad’s honor. Police officers are known to take care of their own kind and have each others back. That’s why the O’Fallon Police Department in Illinois helped to make sure that senior Ashley Walker felt like her dad was a part of her special day on prom night. Ashley’s dad, police officer Carl Walker, passed away the year prior after a two-year battle with cancer. “Carl was born to be a police officer,” the police department’s Facebook page said of the...

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Short Story: Teacher Adopts Best Student after Seeing Him Asleep in Parking Lot, Later He Calls Her on Stage

A childless physics teacher adopted her best student after discovering him sleeping in a parking lot after school. She raised him as her own son, and he made sure to recognize her contributions to his life by calling her up the stage during one of his awards nights. Ms. Lane was a talented 53-year-old physics teacher who lived alone. She and her husband never had any kids, which eventually affected their relationship, and they filed for divorce. Although she never had kids of her own, Ms. Lane loved children. She treated her students like her own and devoted her life...

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Susan Boyle Earns The Golden Buzzer By Returning To ‘America’s Got Talent’ After A Decade

Susan Boyle became an instant sensation throughout the world after she appeared on the third series of “Britain’s Got Talent.” Although that introduction aired over a decade ago, Boyle has managed a level of staying power rarely seen by other TV stars. That performance of the Les Miserables classic “I Dreamed a Dream” has been seen millions of times, including by Simon Cowell who was amazed. Her overnight fame was very much deserved, and today, she has achieved a singular position as one of the most celebrated singers of our time. Today, Boyle is a household name of sorts across...

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E rrallë, ndodh pas 17 vitesh, lind ujku më i rrezikuar në botë

Kafshët sado të egra të jenë sërish nuk preferohet të jenë specie në zhdukje. Një kopsht zoologjik në Rhode Island njoftoi lindjen e një ujku të kuq të rrezikuar në mënyrë kritike, i pari i lindur në objekt që nga viti 2005. Kopshti zoologjik Roger Williams Park në Providence njoftoi se këlyshi lindi më 5 maj. “Punëtorët e kopshtit zoologjik dhe ekipi veterinar vazhdojnë të monitorojnë nënën dhe foshnjën përmes përdorimit të një kamere infra të kuqe të vendosur brenda strofkës së sapondërtuar të lindjes së ujqërve,” tha kopshti zoologjik në njoftimin e lindjes. “Ndërsa ujku është vëzhguar duke ushqyer...

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Një kryeministër non grata? Mziu bën kthesën që nuk pritej, habit me përgjigjen

I pyetur nëse e sheh kryeministër Sali Berishën, pavarësisht statusit non grata në SHBA, Xhelal Mziu u shpreh se para së gjithash, është vota ajo që vendos. “Ajo që do të doja unë është që Berisha të mos ishte non grata. Ka plot sot në qeveri që do të duhej të ishin non grata. Nëse Berisha do të ishte kryeministër, nuk ka asgjë, pasi do të kishte mbështetjen e shqiptarëve. E rëndësishme është të fitosh votat, janë ato që vendosin. Nëse do të kishte fituar Basha, sot do ishte kryeministër.”, tha Mziu.

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Nëse semaforët nuk funksionojnë, kush ka përparësi në kryqëzim? Vetëm shoferët më të mirë do ta dinë përgjigjen menjëherë

Si do të reagonit? Shumica e aksidenteve të trafikut ndodhin nga mosrespektimi i shenjave dhe rregullave, por ndonjëherë ndodhin për shkak të mosdijes së shoferëve, transmeton Telegrafi. Në situatën e paraqitur në foto, semaforët në kryqëzim nuk funksionojnë, dhe makina blu mbylli hyrjen në kryqëzim për makinën numër 3, e cila ndodhet pas saj, përpara hyrjes në kryqëzim. Detyra juaj është t’i përgjigjeni saktë pyetjes – kush ka përparësi? Na tregoni se çfarë mendoni. Kjo është përgjigjja: Duke qenë se nuk funksionojnë semaforët, situata është e njëjtë si kur kryqëzimi nuk është i rregulluar, të gjitha automjetet vijnë nga rrugë...

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10 të fshehtat që nëna nuk ua ka thëne kurrë

1) Ju e keni bere te bertase shume. Ajo bertiti kur kuptoi se ishte shtatzene. Ajo bertiti kur ju lindi. Ajo bertiti kur ju mbajti per here te pare ne krahe. Ajo bertiti me lumturi. Ajo bertiti me frike. Ajo bertiti me merak. Ajo bertet sepse ndjen thelle per ju. Ajo e ndjen dhimbjen dhe lumturine tuaj dhe e ndan me ju, edhe nese ju nuk e kuptoni ate. 2) Ajo e donte ate copen e fundit te byrekut. Por kur vuri re se ju po e shikonit me ata sy te medhenj, ajo nuk mund ta hante me ate....

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