Looking back on the strange experiences in our lives, some remain genuinely baffling. Online communities, now easily accessible through a quick search, have turned into gathering places for people to share their chilling and unsettling memories. These stories might sound like something out of a horror film, yet they’re claimed to be true, recounted by ordinary people who lived through them firsthand.
Here’s a story that was sent to us:
“My wife and I were staying in an old motel with our baby. Around 3 a.m., I heard a cold whisper in the room. It said, “Now, we’re finally even! You’ll suffer as I have!” Panicked, I got up and turned on the light. My wife was still sleeping, but when I ran to my baby’s crib, I found it covered in white feathers, hundreds of them!
We’d arrived late at the hotel, and I wondered if the feathers had already been there, but my wife later assured me they hadn’t.
I got distracted by those feathers for a moment, but then I froze when I saw his sleeping position had changed—his head was now facing the door, though I was sure that wasn’t how we’d put him down. When I woke my wife, we discovered a note placed between us on the bed that read, “Your baby should sleep between you.”